Battery Cap

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Battery Cap for Zero and Game Over series.

Please check your device compability before you buy. Select the product in the side menu to get more infos.

Zero Nega V1, V2 18650 and 18350: 18650-18350 steel, black and tactical caps 
Zero Nega V2 18500: 18500 cap
Zero Boro 18650: 18650-18350 steel, black and tactical caps 
Zero Boro 18500: 18500 cap
Zero 07: 18650-18350 steel cap
Game Over 1, 2 and 3: 18650-1835
0 steel cap
Game Over LE and Mini: 
18650-18350 steel cap
Game Over S and A: 18650-18350 steel, black and tactical caps
Game Over 360: 18650-18350 steel, 
black and tactical caps



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